by DNSFilter Team on May 18, 2022 12:00:00 AM
DNSFilter | Cofounder and CEO (Carnesi), Cofounder and Chief Architect (Gillis)
DNSFilter’s founders say they created their DC company to fill a need: filtering online content, whether violent material or cybersecurity threats.
A trip to any major cybersecurity conference reveals vendors promoting the latest, cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions, and many people willing to pay top dollar for them. But a closer look shows that the average user, and even some small businesses, are being left behind.
Protective DNS provider sees surge of scam activity, urges greater cyber awareness
Each year, cybersecurity companies publish a number of research reports focusing on different aspects of cybersecurity and breach trends. Below is a list of some of the most alarming statistics from several reports published throughout the year from various companies.
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