by DNSFilter Team on Aug 25, 2022 12:00:00 AM
New research from cybersecurity vendor Akamai has revealed that 12.3% of monitored devices communicated with domains associated with malware or ransomware at least once during the second quarter of 2022. This represented a 3% increase compared to Q1 2022, the firm stated, with phishing toolkits playing a key role in malicious domain-related activity. The findings are based on DNS data and Akamai’s visibility into carrier and enterprise traffic across different industries and geographies.
In a blog post detailing its research, Akamai stated that, in addition to the devices it detected communicating with domains associated with malware/ransomware, a further 6.2% of devices accessed phishing domains with 0.8% accessing command-and-control (C2)-associated domains (both small increases on Q1 2022). “While this number might seem insignificant, the scale here is in the millions of devices,” the firm wrote. “When this is considered, with C2 being the most malignant of threats, this is not only significant, it’s cardinal.”
Each year, cybersecurity companies publish a number of research reports focusing on different aspects of cybersecurity and breach trends. Below is a list of some of the most alarming statistics from several reports published throughout the year from various companies.
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Almost every company is chasing the latest shiny object in an effort to be more competitive. The latest shiny object isAI, but before that, it was cloud, 5G, etc. The problem is that all of these new technologies also increase security risks — and the reality is that most organizations are ill-prepared for the existing security risks, let alone the new ones created by the addition of emerging technologies.