by DNSFilter Team on Jul 7, 2022 12:00:00 AM
The domain name system (DNS), sometimes referred to as the “phone book of the internet,” is a fundamental component of our online lives. A product of the early digital age, its structure creates unique challenges to applying security upgrades, subsequently creating large security gaps in an integral layer of the internet itself. Peter Lowe, principal security researcher, DNSFilter, discusses navigating these challenges and overcoming the gaps.
These gaps allow for DNS poisoning attacks. Sometimes called “cache poisoning” attacks, they can take advantage of DNS vulnerabilities to devastating effect. Added security can mitigate these attacks, so why isn’t more being done?
The technology exists to secure the DNS layer of the internet, but the lack of public knowledge about this issue and the requirements to secure DNS prevents the industry from maintaining a safer internet. History has shown that the cyber security market has overcome similar challenges; we need to spark a lot more interest (and tease incentives) first.
Each year, cybersecurity companies publish a number of research reports focusing on different aspects of cybersecurity and breach trends. Below is a list of some of the most alarming statistics from several reports published throughout the year from various companies.
{% module_block module "widget_6aeb08dc-4790-47de-a546-385b24cb0188" %}{% module_attribute "button_text" is_json="true" %}"READ MORE"{% end_module_attribute %}{...Have you ever tried to build a machine learning classifier where you only had labels for one of the classes?
Almost every company is chasing the latest shiny object in an effort to be more competitive. The latest shiny object isAI, but before that, it was cloud, 5G, etc. The problem is that all of these new technologies also increase security risks — and the reality is that most organizations are ill-prepared for the existing security risks, let alone the new ones created by the addition of emerging technologies.