by DNSFilter Team on Apr 1, 2024 12:58:11 PM
As guest and public Wi-Fi services grow in speed, quality, and popularity – in part driven by poor 5G indoor coverage – the issue of Wi-Fi security once again looms large. DNSFilter says four out of five security breaches involve DNS, and that both malware and phishing is sharply on the rise. The company offers an elegant solution to block out the majority of malicious actors on public Wi-Fi networks.
Poor indoor 5G coverage is making life less than convenient for shoppers, hotel guests, restaurant guests and many others – and as a result, public and guest Wi-Fi is becoming increasingly important and relevant. At the same time access to most public Wi-Fi networks takes place via captive portals, which means users and their devices are in principle unprotected. While on public Wi-Fi networks, users are exposing themselves to substantial security risks, says DNSFilter.
The company enjoyed accolades, hiring success, and identified 7 billion threats in 2024
Emerging technologies like cloud and AI are changing the IT industry so quickly that even the most seasoned professionals can’t keep up. A traditional approach to workforce development won’t suffice for MSPs if they want to stay competitive and ahead of the curve.
Generative AI is revolutionizing how businesses operate, offering enhanced productivity and innovative capabilities. But as companies adopt this game-changing technology, it's crucial to establish safeguards for responsible implementation. In this Forbes article, Ken Carnesi, CEO and co-founder of DNSFilter, shares insights on balancing innovation with critical guardrails.