by DNSFilter Team on Feb 22, 2024 10:28:15 AM
A common refrain in cybersecurity circles is that humans are your weakest link. There’s truth in this, but making this the focal point of your cybersecurity training and culture can sometimes have unintended consequences.
A more helpful approach is to find a way to build a culture where humans become the strongest link. How do you begin such a project? The answer lies in finding a way to encourage trial and error in a safe space, to lead with compassion to ultimately reduce threats.
Sound like an oxymoron? Read on.
A trip to any major cybersecurity conference reveals vendors promoting the latest, cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions, and many people willing to pay top dollar for them. But a closer look shows that the average user, and even some small businesses, are being left behind.
Protective DNS provider sees surge of scam activity, urges greater cyber awareness
Each year, cybersecurity companies publish a number of research reports focusing on different aspects of cybersecurity and breach trends. Below is a list of some of the most alarming statistics from several reports published throughout the year from various companies.
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