by DNSFilter Team on May 31, 2023 10:47:42 AM
(NewsNation) — Trials of four-day work weeks have been successful, with happier workers and no loss of productivity. Now, some companies are starting to make shorter work weeks a standard practice
Not everyone is behind the idea of a shorter work week, and there continues to be debate over the practice. But some lawmakers, including California Rep. Mark Takano and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders, are working to make the standard work week just 32 hours, with no loss of pay for workers.
A trip to any major cybersecurity conference reveals vendors promoting the latest, cutting-edge cybersecurity solutions, and many people willing to pay top dollar for them. But a closer look shows that the average user, and even some small businesses, are being left behind.
Protective DNS provider sees surge of scam activity, urges greater cyber awareness
Each year, cybersecurity companies publish a number of research reports focusing on different aspects of cybersecurity and breach trends. Below is a list of some of the most alarming statistics from several reports published throughout the year from various companies.
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